We are an open intake shelter serving Graham, Olney, and Young County. We aim to provide safe haven for the unwanted animals in our community. We provide shelter, food, vaccinations and other preventative care, comfort, enrichment and socialization for the animals in our care. We have 2 cat rooms with outdoor inclosed catio areas and a cat quarantine building to house cats. For dogs we have 24 indoor/outdoor kennels, a 3 kennel intake area and we are currently working on kennels for our dog quarantine building. We also have 8 fenced yards for exercise and enrichment for our dogs. Our capacity is 51 cats and 24 dogs though we frequently operate above capacity.
We work with our local Animal Control, Police and Sheriff Departments to house the strays in our area until they can find their home.
We have the P.E.T.S. satellite clinic on site monthly to offer low cost spay and neuter services and affordable vaccinations and other preventative care. Our hope is that one day our community will understand and embrace spay and neuter as the only way out of our overpopulation problem. We cannot adopt or rescue our way out of this issue.
We are a 501c3 non profit organization and we rely on donations from those who care as much as we do to keep the shelter open and operating properly. We can always use volunteers and fosters.
We are currently unable to take in animals from outside Young County. We have been over-whelmed with surrenders and strays in our own county and do not have the space, resources, or manpower to take in those from other areas.
74% of our yearly operating budget comes directly from community donations.