Humane Society of Young County
Humane Society of Young County

     at the Humane Society of Young County

We are thrilled to partner with the P.E.T.S. Clinic to offer high quality, low cost dog and cat spays and neuters, vaccines, and preventative services year round at the HSYC.


We strive to offer P.E.T.S. Clinic services each month with walk-in clinics for preventative care and appointments for spay/neuters at HSYC (dates TBA, but are on a Wednesday and appointments for transport to the PETS Clinic in Wichita Falls available on the 4th Wednesday monthly.


You can email, text (940-456-5936), message, or call to make spay/neuter appointments, or to get all the info on our next walk-in clinic date!

940-549-1692 to schedule by phone


Spay and Neuter

Spay and Neuter surgeries are available by appointment only. Please call  (940) 549-1692 or text 940-456-5936,  email  or message our Facebook page to schedule.


To save time on the day of your appointment, you can request our surgery form be sent to you through email or a link through text or messenger.


This is required to be on file when your pet is scheduled on a transport to the PETS Clinic instead of with us here in person and must be submitted by the week prior to surgery.

Vaccines and Preventatives

Annual Vaccines, Boosters, Rabies, Heartworm Testing, Heartworm Preventative, Microchips, Flea and Tick Prevention and More are available by walk-in with no appointment necessary. If you are purchasing preventatives, your pet will need to be seen by the vet every 2 years. There is no charge for the pet to be seen, only for the services provided. Please call, message, or email (940) 549-1692 for the date of our next walk-in clinic which are held one Wednesday of each month. 


*Ask for availability of financial assistance for surgeries-assistance may be available with proof of low income, medicaid, food stamps, and/or CHIPS. Proof will be required at time of appointment.
*Trap/Neuter/Release Grants for feral & free-roaming cats 
are available for the year 2025 as long as funding holds out. This makes the cost just $12 for spay or neuter and rabies vaccination for community feral cats. Ear tipping is required at the time of surgery for the feral/free-roaming grant. 
Please note: We are currently booking cat spays several months out. If you have an outdoor female cat please book where you can get her earlier or you will have kittens!
Cat Spays and Neuters: Male $35 / Female $45 (Pregnant +$20)
Dog Spays and Neuters: Male $60 / Female $65 (In Heat +$10, Pregnant +$20)
*if your dog/cat is scheduled to transport on the PETS van there is a $7 transport fee per animal 
*dogs must be under 8 yrs of age and under 70 lbs to qualify for transport; dogs over 8 yrs of age must have lab work prior to surgery
*The Graham Clinic can only spay females under 65 lbs for females over that weight, the dogs will need to schedule at the Wichita Falls Clinic
(altered/unaltered prices)
E-Collar: $5-$7
Rabies $12/$17
Puppy or Kitten Boosters $15
Microchips $15
For Dogs:
Distemper/Parvo vaccines  $15 (DAV2PPv + L4)
Bordetella  $10
Rattlesnake vaccine $25
Canine Heartworm Testing $25
Heartworm Preventatives:
single pill $7
1-25lbs (6 mos supply) $25
26-50 lbs (6 mos supply) $30
51-100 lbs (6 mos supply) $35
Flea/Tick Preventatives:
Nexgard (1 month pill) $26
Bravecto (3 mos pill) $60
PPM Canine Dewormer (Tri-wormer for intestinal worms) $4/pill by weight
For Cats:
FVRCP-C (for cats) $15
FeLv vaccine (recommend neg test prior) $10
Felv/Fiv  Testing $25
Flea/Tick Preventatives:
 Topical Senergy (monthly flea treatment) $15
Bravecto (3 mos topical flea/tick treatment) $55
Drontal Feline Dewormer (for intestinal worms) $7/pill
Canine Heartworm Treatment for Heartworm Positive dogs - Call P.E.T.S. Clinic for Details

More Info

For more information on services and pricing, animal care before and after surgery, and the P.E.T.S. Clinic please visit P.E.T.S. Clinic services and pricing info page.  P.E.T.S. Clinic in Wichita Falls is now a full-service vet clinic. If you are seeking assistance with vet care for your pet please contact them at 940-723-7387 for information.  Unfortunately we are unable to provide assitance for veterinarian visits here in Graham and we do not have a vet on the premisis except on surgery days.

The Humane Society of  Young County is a private 501c3 organization that is contracted with the cities of Graham, Olney, and Newcastle and the County of Young.


74% of our annual operating costs are funded through your donations! The other 25% funds are from the above cities and the county combined. HSYC does not receive any state or national funding.

HSYC is open by appointment :





11:00 til 5:00


And Saturdays with scheduled appointment 11:00 til 2:00


To contact us for an appointment or with quesions call or text 940-549-1692 you are welcome to leave a voicemail.


You can also message us on Facebook


or send an email


HSYC is located at 

120 Craig St

Graham, TX 76450


We sit just north of the Young County Arena

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