Humane Society of Young County
Humane Society of Young County

        HSYC 2025 Annual Sponsors

 Leader of the Pack Sponsors



JoAnn Guerin Pettus

 Purrfect Friend Sponsors



Michael E Stovall

DGB Corporation

Jessica & Robert Dotsun 

 Bow Wow Buddy Sponsors



Kathy Timmons

Air Tractor

John Scruggs Puryear & Sandy Puryear

Wanda Knox

Randy & Rebecca Cantin

Rowe Electric/Mr & Mrs E Rowe Jr

Jess N Turner III

Air Smart, Inc in Memory of Cambria & Tuleigh Moore

Birgitt Mayol in Memory of Neil Phillips

Hub Machine & Tool, Inc in Memory of Genaro Gonzales and in Memory of Alberto Zarate

  The Cat's Meow Sponsors



Echo Production, Inc

Forty Something Cowgirls, Graham Chapter

Adam & Hope LaVine

Robert & Pat Dial in Honor of Countryside Vet Clinic

Richeson Management Corp in Memory of Doris Richeson

The Humane Society of  Young County is a private 501c3 organization that is contracted with the cities of Graham, Olney, and Newcastle and the County of Young.


74% of our annual operating costs are funded through your donations! The other 25% funds are from the above cities and the county combined. HSYC does not receive any state or national funding.

HSYC is open by appointment :





11:00 til 5:00


And Saturdays with scheduled appointment 11:00 til 2:00


To contact us for an appointment or with quesions call or text 940-549-1692 you are welcome to leave a voicemail.


You can also message us on Facebook


or send an email


HSYC is located at 

120 Craig St

Graham, TX 76450


We sit just north of the Young County Arena

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© Humane Society of Young County